Marking the 14th Anniversary of ABC Machinery

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7th September, 2018 was a big day for our company as we marked the ABC Machinery 14th Anniversary with a very colorful celebration. We share with you some of the memorable photos and moments during the celebration because we value the role you have played in our success. Take a look!

happy the 14th anniversary

Since its foundation, ABC Machinery has been the leading solution provider of quality, superior, and reliable solvent extraction machinery solutions for a wide range of purposes such as; oil extraction, pigment extraction and protein extraction. Ensuring businesses get out the best profits when they invest with ABC machinery, has made us a proven and reliable partner that places your interest at the center of every innovation we make. We have integrated advanced science through engineering and technology for customizing your installations to the specification and space requirements for efficiently optimized solutions.

cake sharing

Additionally, the 14 years knowledge gleaned from accumulated best industry practices to offer you with an exclusive world-class customer service around the clock because your business is our priority and doing it best is what we are known for. Our core principles of Quality first and Customer Service has transformed ABC Machinery operations. This has helped us expand our solvent extraction and oil refinery division respectively by reinforcing the existent products inherited and enhance by ABC Machinery. Consequently, this extends our market reach and brand visibility to foreign markets in Africa, Europe, and South America.

It's imperative to remember that your success is our priority and if you have planning to invest in the global market of biological extraction process, don't hesitate to send us an inquiry!We will guide you and advice you through the basic investments that you'll need to kick start your investment.

We are here to make you win, set a brighter future for you that is sustainable, eco-friendly and profitable for the economy.

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