What’s the Solvent Used in Subcritical Extraction?

  • Propane: Fat soluble solvent
  • Butane: Fat soluble solvent
  • Dimethyl Ether: Fat soluble and water-soluble solvent
  • Tetrafluoroethane (R134a): Fat soluble and water-soluble solvent
  • Liquid Ammonia: water-soluble solvent
Item Propane Butane Dimethyl Ether Tetrafluoroethane Liquid Ammonia
molecular formula C3H8 C4H10 CH3OCH3 CH2FCF3 NH3
The molecular weight 44 58 46 102 17
Boiling point ℃ -42 -0.5 -24.9 -26.2 -33.4
vapor pressure when  20 ℃ (MPa) 0.83 0.23 0.533 0.6 0.88
Critical temperature ℃ 95.7 152.8 127 101.1 132.3
Critical pressure MPa 4.4 3.6 5.32 4.07 11.3
Saturated liquid density kg/L (25 ℃) 0.49 0.57 0.66(20℃) 1.29(0℃) 0.61
Saturated gas density kg/m3 (25 ℃) 20.15 6.18 12.1 14.4(0℃) 0.6
Dielectric constant (25 ℃) 1.69 1.78 5.17 9.51 16.9
Gasification of latent heat KJ/kg (30 ℃) 329 358 393 216 1369
The explosion limit 2.3%~9.5% 1.9%~8.5% 3.5%~27% Incombustible 16%~25%
Toxicity and LC50 (mg/m3) micro toxicity micro toxicity, 680 308000 Non-toxic 1390
Character Colorless, Odorous Colorless, Odorous Colorless, Odorous Colorless and Odorless Colorless, has a pungent smell
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